My little pond in balcony


(almost photo was taken in eary in May)

I have little pond in my balcony.
It height about 25cm, width 60cm, depth 42cm. Capacity is about 45litter. 


Many Medaka(killifish), Minami Numaebi(prawns) and Tanishi(snails) are living there. and many kind of duckweed, Hangeshou(swamp root), Sakura Tade(smartweed) and Hishi(water cultrap) has planted. This May and June, theres many hot day than usual year, so duckweed are bred and grew enough to cover water surface. I must remove out it every weeks.

Direct sunlight strikes only 2hours in near noon, but it’s placed outside so many kind of microbe breeds naturally. therefor no need feeding everyday.

Fish and prawn breeds naturally. but killifish is not so genius. They eat their babies soon. so when I find babies, I must catch it to emigrate another little fish tank.

Babies are very cute. this size about 6mm.

Spot-light and aeration was installed. When the nighit, it makes me relax.