Raspberry pi セットアップその6 dhcpの設定



1. udhcpdのインストール

udhcpdは busyboxベースの軽量dhcpサーバです。下記コマンドでインストールします。

[root@limau]:~# apt-get -y install udhcpd

インストール時に「udhcpd: Disabled. Edit /etc/default/udhcpd to enable it.」とでるため、該当ファイルを編集します。

[root@limau]:~# vi /etc/default/udhcpd

2行目を noから yesに書き換えます。

# Comment the following line to enable

# Options to pass to busybox' udhcpd.
# -S Log to syslog
# -f run in foreground



[root@limau]# vi /etc/udhcpd.conf

変更するところはせいぜい IP lease block(3行目4行目)、Examles(66行目)、Static leases map(98行目)だけだとおもいます。

# Sample udhcpd configuration file (/etc/udhcpd.conf)
# The start and end of the IP lease block
start #default:
end #default:

# The interface that udhcpd will use
interface eth0 #default: eth0

# The maximim number of leases (includes addressesd reserved
# by OFFER's, DECLINE's, and ARP conficts
max_leases 40 #default: 254

# If remaining is true (default), udhcpd will store the time
# remaining for each lease in the udhcpd leases file. This is
# for embedded systems that cannot keep time between reboots.
# If you set remaining to no, the absolute time that the lease
# expires at will be stored in the dhcpd.leases file.
remaining yes #default: yes

# The time period at which udhcpd will write out a dhcpd.leases
# file. If this is 0, udhcpd will never automatically write a
# lease file. (specified in seconds)
auto_time 7200 #default: 7200 (2 hours)

# The amount of time that an IP will be reserved (leased) for if a
# DHCP decline message is received (seconds).
decline_time 3600 #default: 3600 (1 hour)

# The amount of time that an IP will be reserved (leased) for if an
# ARP conflct occurs. (seconds
conflict_time 3600 #default: 3600 (1 hour)

# How long an offered address is reserved (leased) in seconds
offer_time 60 #default: 60 (1 minute)

# If a lease to be given is below this value, the full lease time is
# instead used (seconds).
min_lease 60 #defult: 60

# The location of the leases file

lease_file /var/log/udhcpd.leases #defualt: /var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases

# The location of the pid file
pidfile /var/run/udhcpd.pid #default: /var/run/udhcpd.pid

# Everytime udhcpd writes a leases file, the below script will be called.
# Useful for writing the lease file to flash every few hours.
leases file, the below script will be called.
# Useful for writing the lease file to flash every few hours.

#notify_file #default: (no script)

#notify_file dumpleases #

# The following are bootp specific options, setable by udhcpd.
#siaddr #default:
#sname zorak #default: (none)
#boot_file /var/nfs_root #default: (none)

# The remainer of options are DHCP options and can be specifed with the
# keyword 'opt' or 'option'. If an option can take multiple items, such
# as the dns option, they can be listed on the same line, or multiple
# lines. The only option with a default is 'lease'.

opt dns
option subnet
opt router
option domain zenmai.org
option lease 864000 # 10 days of seconds

# Currently supported options, for more info, see options.c
#opt subnet
#opt timezone
#opt router
#opt timesrv
#opt namesrv
#opt dns
#opt logsrv
#opt cookiesrv
#opt lprsrv
#opt bootsize
#opt domain
#opt swapsrv
#opt rootpath
#opt ipttl
#opt mtu
#opt broadcast
#opt wins
#opt lease
#opt ntpsrv
#opt tftp
#opt bootfile
#opt wpad

# Static leases map
static_lease 00:1F:D0:9F:07:F0

次回は proxyを設定します。